Genomics & Proteomics Analysis Tools and Supplies - (415) 247-8760
Bio-Rad 10 lane, 0.75 mm thick comb CBL10-075
Regular price $47.00
Hoefer 10 lane comb, 1.5 mm thick CHS10-150
Regular price $39.00
Bio-Rad 10 lane comb, 1.0 mm thick CBS10-100
Regular price $33.00
Bio-Rad 10 lane comb, 0.75 mm thick CBS10-075
OWL Scientific Comb, 1.5 mm thick, 10 tooth B1A-G-10-150
Regular price $49.00
OWL Scientific B3 (12x14cm) Mini w/integral buffer circulation, 1.5mm combs B3-G-150
Regular price $844.00
Bio-Rad 15 lane comb, 1.0mm thick, Bio-Rad Mini-PROTEAN II CBS15-100
Bio-Rad 15 lane, 1.5 mm thick comb, Bio-Rad PROTEAN II CBL15-150
Bio-Rad Single Reference comb, 1.0 mm thick CBLSR-100
OWL Scientific P10 Comb, 0.8mm thick, 20 tooth P10-2020-20-0.8
Regular price $56.00
Bio-Rad Comb, 8 well, 1.50mm Thick, for use with BioRad SubCell GT mini systems (170-4463) CGT08-150
Bio-Rad Comb, 15 well, 1.50mm Thick, for use with BioRad SubCell GT mini systems (170-4465) CGT15-150
Li-COR 96 lane sharksgum comb, 0.2 mm thick CLG96-020
Regular price $68.00
Li-COR 50 lane well forming comb, 0.4 mm thick CLW50-040
OWL Scientific B2 and B3 comb, 13 well, 1.5mm thick COL13-150
OWL Scientific Wall Comb, 1.5mm thick A2-G-WALL
Regular price $65.00
Hoefer Single Reference comb, 1.5 mm thick CHSSR-150
Hoefer Single Reference comb, 1.0 mm thick CHSSR-100